Ofcom: communications regulator
United Kingdom

In a UK court trial both sides of the story are heard.

Your decision to ban RT was made in the middle of a wave of Russophobic hysteria which is seeing anyone with the slightest connection to Russia being attacked. A number of people from Britain with any Russian connection are reported to have been assaulted and have received death threats. Throughout Western countries, businesses, embassies, and places of worship are being vandalised, even children are being shouted at and insulted in the street. Innocent disabled athletes were banned from the Beijing Paralympic Games through political pressure.

So it seems inevitable that you would make this decision amid such political and social pressure.

It is mostly only adults who would watch RT. The channel presents a Russian point of view which is valuable to people in the West to understand how we can better co-exist with other countries.

As for the lack of impartiality, many argue that Western media has not given equal coverage to victims in Donbass for the last 8 years. And that there has been lack of impartiality covering many wars the West have engaged in.

We British people can be trusted to hear both sides of a story and not be brainwashed. We can be trusted to ask questions, to verify sources and information. This un-British censoring smacks of warnings of dictatorships we were brought up to rebel against, the idea of controlling citizens and not allowing them the right to independent thought.

Now, when British people want to hear both sides, they have to look around for information on the internet, which is less likely to be accurate. It is safer that information is broadcast openly on RT and the authorities can monitor what people are seeing.

Therefore, in asking RT to be returned we are not promoting a Russian agenda, or any other agenda, we are asking you to restore the British tradition of trusting the people. We can be trusted.

We believe that not allowing British people the right to see both sides of the story is a violation of the British values we have all been brought up to respect.

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The Please Return RT to UK Television petition to Ofcom: communications regulator was written by Becky Fletcher and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

censorship RT Russophobia