#Civil Rights
Standing Committee on Petitions PO Box 6021 House of Representatives Parliament House CANBERRA ACT

Research shows that Bullying is strongly linked and causes mental illness and that it is also responsible for many hundreds of people to take their own lives every year.

Bullying costs the economy millions of dollars each year.

Statistics now show that the largest majority of Children that do not attend school and or have days away are not in attendance due to being subjected to bullying.

Unfortunately statistics although very high once looked into and researched, have not been collected over a long period of time to show us all the true figures of the problem which would be no doubt astronomical, however ignored due to the problem of bullying not widely recognised as it is now.

ATTORNEY-General Brian Wightman has vowed to review Tasmania's anti-bullying laws.

The pledge by Mr Wightman comes in the wake of a public outpouring over the tragedy of Hobart schoolgirl Chloe Fergusson.

The review of the Criminal Code will determine whether laws preventing bullying need to be strengthened.

The move comes after the Mercury revealed how Chloe, 15, endured three years of physical and verbal abuse and cyber bullying before taking her life last week.

The push for Chloe's Law was started by Chloe's Fergusson's sister Cassie Whitehill where she began a face book page called Chloe's Law - Introduce Anti bullying laws in Australia.

Such Page has had in reach of 295,932 people in just five days which also continues to rapidly grow.

Further Cassie also began a petition on Change.org named 'Australian Government: Introduce anti bullying laws in Australia.'

Such petition to date 22/9/2013 has 4057 Signatures over a short 5 day period and still growing by the minute.

This proves that the People of Australia want something done and they want it done now..

Chloe's Sister Cassie in conjunction with Angels Goal Inc. Australian Anti- bullying Organisation are determined to see this occur.

The introduction of Chloe's Law with an amendment to each states criminal law act throughout Australia and Tasmania must be addressed immediately and passed as our children and people in our community are being diagnosed with a mental illness or dying every day due to being bullied.

Enough Is enough it is time for the Australian state and federal governments to act.

We the undersigned have read the petition herein and we request that the Australian and Tasmanian state and federal government House of Representatives make an amendment to all Australian State stalking laws within the current crimes acts.

All current state crimes acts and amendments are noted herein.

We the undersigned:

1) Request for Chloe's law to be an additional law amendment within each of these Crimes acts;

2) That the Penalties for such be that of the same for Stalking or reasonably amended therein;

3) Chloe's Law is to be enforced as written herein or reasonably amended too;

4) Request the Amendment to each state Law being, Chloe's law -

a) Bullying is defined by any reasonable person and the definition of such.

b) Bullying is a crime punishable by law with punishment as it is with the states stalking law penalties.

c) Bullying is a crime committed on any one person at any given time, whether such be Cyber Bullying, School Bullying, Workplace Bullying or Community bullying.

Here listed is each Australian State where we the undersigned request Chloe's Law to be an amendment:

ACT: Crimes act 1900 section 35- Crimes amendment ACT 2000 (No 4)

NSW: Criminal Law Act 1900 - 562AB
Section 13 of the crimes (domestic and personal violence act 2007)

NT: Criminal Code Act 1997 section 189

QLD: Crimes act sections 359A to 359F- Criminal Code Amendment Act 1999

SA: Criminal law Act 1935 - Section 19AA

TAS: Criminal Code Act 1924 - Stalking bill amendment 2004

VIC: Crimes act 1958 - 21A Stalking Amendment act 1994

WA: Criminal code act 1913 - Section 338

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The Chloe's Law - Bullying a crime punishable by law petition to Standing Committee on Petitions PO Box 6021 House of Representatives Parliament House CANBERRA ACT was written by One Punch Campaign Australia Kez and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.